Saturday 6 July 2013

Perfect Sunday Morning

"When force of circumstance upsets your equanimity, lose no time in recovering your self control, and do not remain out of tune longer than you can help. Habitual recurrence to the harmony will increase your mastery of it." Marcus Aurelius

I am not normally one to read quotes, let alone share them. However a crew mate of the 2011 mens 8 gave me the Marcus Aurelius Meditations book while i was in hospital and reading it this morning i found the above quote very relevant to my current physical state in regards to chasing a dream in rowing.

From where I sit right now in my bed these two photos share what i can currently see.

I wish that on a morning like this i could just get on my bike and return 6 hours later.  A few hill reps of the 1/20 and the devils elbow in the Dandenongs followed by100km along beach road. This is what i so greatly want, as with everything that I am currently going through, a long ride is what would help me clear my mind. 

I feel that once i can ride/exercise again, at least i feel that i am making progress towards my return to sport. However this morning, stuck in bed basically unable to even walk its the opposite i feel and I get stressed that i am sliding further and further backwards. When you are unable to do what you want, you definitely gain more appreciation when you are once again able to do as you please. Some of the reason for sharing some of this with you, is that some time in the future i will find myself smashed from months of training, and contemplating a long sunday ride in the cold and wet at the end of the week will be daunting, however looking back to where i am now will provide more motivation than i will need to get stuck into it. In regards to my rehabilitation i am hopeful that in around 6 weeks time I will be physically able to at least start back on a bike. Until then though, swimming starts this week, i can't swim very well, but i am planning to swim until my arms wont let me swim anymore. Then do the same again the next day, although at the same time still benching more than the current bench press specialist in the gym, fergybill. I think harry needs to explain to him there are more exercises on offer in the Victorian Institute of Sport gym.

 As a side note, i hope to keep these updates short enough to get through in a few minutes, otherwise they will become too boring for you and surely i am rambling. I also hope some of you can gain some appreciation of your physical capabilities from this and start being more active without making daily excuses as to why you are not as fit and healthy as you may want to be. Thanks for reading.
Cheers, Linke

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