Wednesday 4 December 2013

How YOU can support Unsinkable

Hello all,

By now I am confident all of you have viewed the first two episodes of 'Unsinkable: The Race To Recovery.' The feedback I have received from people in passing has been fantastic and is greatly appreciated. I would also love to hear thoughts from those of you outside of the Melbourne rowing community through comments on the YouTube channel, my blog or the official Facebook group.

The reason for this post is to update you on what has been going into producing these episodes. Like anything great in life, it isn't free. The Unsinkable production team are enthusiastically putting significant amounts of time into producing the web series. This ongoing effort requires your support and the following are all opportunities for you to become involved and ensure I am able to continue sharing my story with you all:

If cycling is your passion please head to BikeNow (240 Kings Way South Melbourne) who have kindly offered you a 10% discount on all products in store, with 5% of your purchase going towards Unsinkable production costs. Simply download from our Facebook page or by commenting on one of the posts here with your email address, print off and bring with you when you visit the store.

The photos below are from the SPORTAROO crowdfunding website and give you an understanding of what you can get in return for supporting this project - because I know that if it was me, I wouldn't be willing to give a donation for nothing:

I want to make things extremely clear in regards to the fact that I am not asking for charity. By purchasing SPORTAROO items you are directly assisting the production costs to make sure this digital media project comes to fruition. The fundraising goals are not overly ambitious and if everybody who follows the web series presently contributed just the cost of a coffee then we would reach our fundraising targets and ensure the sharing of the journey is able to continue :)

As a final note, if you did have other ideas of what you might appreciate in turn, we'd love to hear from you so drop me a line or contribute a comment through the aforementioned social media hubs.

Regards, John

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